BISS CH RR Lil Egypt of the Wild Hunt, SC, CGC, ROM
Born: April 17, 1989
sire: CH Crescents Grock ROM
dam: CH Z’Espirit of the Wild Hunt CGC ROMX
breeder: G. Ariel Duncan
owners: G. Ariel Duncan and Harriett Grube

The 1999 BCOA National Specialty Best of Breed Winner!
The 1994 BCDV Specialty Best of Opposite Sex Winner!

Egypt won Best of Breed at the 1999 BCOA National Specialty at ten years of age
from the Veteran Class. She is strong and vital and still possesses the soundness
and effortless movement of her youth. Her fabulous reach and drive make
her exciting to watch and her gorgeous dark eyes and expression make her unforgettable!

Egypt and her litter mates have accumulated eight Specialty and three
Veteran Sweepstakes Wins along with their twenty-two titles.

Egypt 1992

This page updated 1 February 2015
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