Caspian Prince Pyerun Duncan, CD, LCM II, CanFCH
June 10, 1974 - May 22, 1985
sire: Paquin’s Prince Alexander
dam: Trailsend Princess Borzov
breeders: A. King and M. Bouvier
owner: G. Ariel Duncan

I bought Pyerun as a three month old puppy in 1974 not realizing how my life
would be changed. When he was eleven months old, I took him to his first Fun
Trial. Lure Coursing had just started on the East Coast, all the dogs
ran muzzled in red, black and white blankets. My Puppy was crazy
for the lure and I was hooked! In a glorious flash of red-gold,
he streaked across the field and became the inspiration for my
many years in Borzoi.

Pyerun’s intense desire for catching the lure led to
his alligator-like habit of crouching over the lure line,
jaws agape in anticipation of capturing the plastic,
for which he became known from coast to coast.
So keen was he to capture the plastic bag that if he was prevented
from using his jaws by the use of a racing muzzle, he would fling
himself upon the lure line and stop the lure by the use of the
weight of his body.

Many hounds have tried to imitate him, but there was only one Pyerun.
During his eight year coursing career, he challenged the skills of many
a lure operator.

The Borzoi Best Of Breed Trophy at the ASFA International
Invitational and the Borzoi Best of Breed Trophy at the Grand Prix Challenge
Cup were both named in Pyerun’s honor.

For eleven years, Pyerun ruled my house and my life. He was a spirited,
pushy, talkative dog who insisted that you pay attention to HIM. He grinned,
he sang, he talked when he wanted attention, he screamed when he saw the lure.
He was a true fanatic.

When he was gone we realized that our perception of what makes a great Lure
Coursing Borzoi had been forever changed.

Pyerun sired one litter, bred by Bonnie Dalzell out of Silkenswift Diana Darkstar,
LCM II. That litter produced Silkenswift Pye’s Dark Design, LCM VI, Can. FCH who
became the #1 ASFA Sighthound for 1981 and 1982 and the dam of many great
running Borzoi.
This page updated 18 February 2015
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