Zaraya of the Wild Hunt LCM XVII, TT
April 27, 1982 - July 1996
sire: Birchwood Oracle
dam: CH Birchwood Caspian Princess Zorya, LCM VI, CanFCHX, ROM
breeder: G. Ariel Duncan
owner: Leigh A. Littleton and G. Ariel Duncan
One of Locket's littermates is CH Zoryovna of the Wild Hunt CD

#1 All Time ASFA Borzoi
#1 Lure Coursing Borzoi in 1983-1985 and 1988 as a veteran
#1 ASFA Sighthound in 1983 and 1984
16 Bests in Field
More than 135 Bests of Breed
More than 2000 hounds defeated
Best in Field at the 1983 Grand National Lure Course

Locket was the top winning Lure Coursing Sighthound in ASFA for many years,
until a whippet earned an LCM 18 and moved Locket to #2 All Time winning ASFA
Lure Coursing Sighthound. Locket lived her long exciting life with Leigh
and Judy Littleton. Her career started with her famous Best in Field win
at the 1983 Grand National, the same event her mother, Zorya, had won in 1978.
To this date no other Borzoi has won that event.
She ended her career with
a first place in the Veteran Stake at the 1992 ASFA International
Invitational at the age of ten.

Locket was the #1 ASFA Sighthound in 1983 and 1984 and #1 Borzoi and
#2 Sighthound in 1985 and again in 1988 as a Veteran. In 1986, 1987,
and 1989 she placed among the top ten ASFA Borzoi. Locket traveled
200,000 miles with Leigh building this record, playing the coursing game
as it was meant to be played, with intensity and follow and enjoying
every minute of it.

Locket was not just a running machine, she was also an extremely outgoing
Borzoi, making friends wherever she went. From puppy hood on she
charmed (or terrified) acquaintances with her enormous smiles,
showing every tooth. Given any encouragement she would greet
a new or old friend with paws on the shoulders and a lick on the face.

Locket lived to be fourteen years old. Even though she left no offspring
she has had great impact on the Borzoi breed. She will never be forgotten.

This page updated 19 February 2015
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