CH Birchwood Caspian Princess Zoyra, LCM VI, CanFCHX, ROM
May 1977- August 1991
sire: Enchanter of Birchwood
dam: Jemma of Birchwood
breeder: Audrey Mulligan
owner: G. Ariel Duncan

#1 Lure Coursing Borzoi in 1978
#1 Sighthound in 1978
#1 Lure Coursing Borzoi in Canada 1978
6 Best in Field Wins
BIF The Grand National 1978
BOB The Grand Prix Challenge Cup 1978
BOB The ASFA International Invitational 1978
BOB The ASFA Region 8 Invitational 1979
BOB The International Harvest Run 1978 & 1979
First Borzoi to earn the Canadian Field Champion Excellent title (Can. FCH X)
Finished her Championship with Four Majors

Zorya was the reigning princess of The Wild Hunt for fourteen and a half years
and became the foundation for three generations of Triathlon, Top Ten Conformation
and Lure Coursing, Best in Field, Best in Show and Specialty Winning Borzoi.

Zorya was on the ASFA Top Ten list for five years and was the all time Top Lure
Coursing Borzoi until her daughter Locket broke her record in 1985.
One of Zorya’s most prestigious wins was her Best in Field at the 1978
Grand National Lure Course in Denver Colorado, a win that Locket duplicated
in 1983. To this date they are the only Borzoi with this distinctive win
to their credit.

Another of Zorya’s great accomplishments was her almost complete recovery
from an accident at home that had left her completely paralyzed when she
was seven years old. She lived seven more years after that.
In her first litter, bred to Birchwood’s Oracle, Zorya produced Zaraya
of the Wild Hunt LCM XVII (Locket) and
CH Zoryovna of the Wild Hunt CD Chloe).
In her second litter, bred to CH Windrift Kindred Spirt ROMX, were CH Zharos
of the Wild Hunt CD SC LCM III ,(Zharos),
CH Z’Esprit of the Wild Hunt CGC ROMX (Mouse),
CH Zarabeth of the Wild Hunt and CH Zorkhan of the Wild Hunt.
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