CH Maschas Nepal of the Wild Hunt, SC, ROM
April 1989 - February 2001
sire: CCH Crescents Grock ROM
dam: CH Z’Esprit of the Wild Hunt, CGC, ROMX (Mouse)
breeder: G. Ariel Duncan
owners: Sandra Russell Wenden, Ralph Jamison and G. Ariel Duncan

Trent has group placements (owner handled) and is a Veteran Sweepstakes
Winner. He has flawless movement and a beautiful ground covering stride.
He has a fabulous up beat personality and is always the life of the party.
Trent is the sire and grand sire of Sweepstakes Winners, Specialty and Award
of Merit Winners, Top Ten Lure Coursers and the Borzoi that sang at the opera.

Trent's Littermates:
“Paris”, Dual CH Tour de France of the Wild Hunt, CD, SC, LCM, JOR, ROMX,
owners: G. Ariel Duncan and Daniel Albert.
“Trinidad”, CH Maschas Nepal of the Wild Hunt, SC ROM,
owners: Robert DiSanto and G. Ariel Duncan.
“Pompeii”, CH Trinidad of the Wild Hunt, SC, LCM, SOR, CGC, ROM,
owners: Robert DiSanto and G. Ariel Duncan.
“Panama”, CH Maschas Panama of the Wild Hunt, SC, CGC,
owners: Eric and Lesha Moore.
“Leida”, Valencia of the Wild Hunt,
owners: Jane Berardi-Malloy and G. Ariel Duncan.
“Egypt”, BISS CH RR Lil Egypt of the Wild Hunt, SC, CGC, ROM,
owners: G. Ariel Duncan.
This page updated 18 February 2015
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